Thank you for taking time to visit the CrossPointe Mien Baptist Church website.  Here you will find information about our church family, our worship services, our ministries and upcoming events.  We hope that as you learn more about us through our website, you will plan to visit us in person and give us the opportunity to get to know you.

    A’hneiv zipv caux laengz zingh mienh muoz zorqv ziangh hoc bieqc CrossPointe Mienh Baptist Jiu-bang nyei website. Yiem naaiv se maaih zunh doz yiem mienh waac, zunh doz qorng, zoc nyei sou, Yesu mienh baaux nyei nzung, yaac maaih fangx linh caux fangx naangh. Yie mbuo hnamv jienv gorngv weic meih mbuo duqv bieqc naaiv norm website liuz, meih mbuo hoqc hiuv taux yie mbuo nyei Jiu-bang nyei mouz deic, ziouc bun mbuo maaih qiangx jiu tong doic.  

In His service, Pastor Yauzsing

Email: mienpastor@cpccredding.org Blog: mienh.wordpress.com