Sermon Outline/Zunh Doz Qorng
Mien Writing/Zoc Nyei Sou
Yauzsing Zoc Nyei Nzung (2016)
Yauzsing Zoc Nyei Nzung (2015)
Yauzsing Zoc Nyei Nzung (2014)
Yauzsing Zoc Nyei Nzung (2013)
Giduc Mienh Naaic...Ging-Sou Dau (2013)
Maiv Sienx Nyei Mienh Naaic...Sienx Nyei Mienh Dau (2013)
Zoux Sai-Gorx Nyei Fuqv (2013)
Ziepc Nyungc Jienv Nyei Ginv Yiem Maengc 2012
CrossPointe Mien's Mission and Belief
Why Mien Minds Are Closed to the Gospel
How to Reach Animist Mien for Jesus
Miracles of Jesus/Yesu Zoux Mbuoqc Horngh Nyei Jangx Hoc
Biblical Counseling/Ei Ging-sou Kuinx caux Orn
Sienx Yesu Mien daic...Biopv fai Buov
Ten Commandments/Ziepc Diuh Leiz
M'sieqv Dorn Maaih Hnyouv Hnangv Ziouv
Yauzsing Porv Mengh Lomaa Sou/Romans Commentary
Siangh Sienx Yesu Mienh Hoqc Nyei
Funeral Policy and Procedures/Liuc Leiz Nzuonx Seix Jauv